Monday, August 15, 2011

Freezer capabilities? Please answer!?

Up until the taking it out, letting it thaw and refreezing it part, she was fine. Once you freeze something, it should only be thawed once, not thawed and refrozen. If she knows she's not going to use all the chicken up at once, she should freeze it in smaller portions so that she can take out only what she needs. The problem is, the bacteria will breed while the chicken is thawing (which is fine, your stomach acid will kill that bacteria when you eat the chicken, not a big deal), then upon putting it back in the freezer, these bacteria form spores. The issue now is that the spores are resistant to your stomach acid and can get into your intestinal tract, once there they return to normal bacterial form and replicate themselves. This can seriously upset the bacterial balance in your intestine and make you very sick (usually the sickness is recognized as food poisoning). Bottom line is she can avoid the risk by freezing her chicken in smaller, more user friendly portions.

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