Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why do we as women, ALSO water the "double standard" seed?

Why is it that when a woman makes the tragic mistake of sleeping with a man that's not hers, the male always seems to get forgiven while the girl is labeled, as the unforgivable tramp? Could it be that women were just born to cater to the needs of men and will dismiss any girl, even if she's known her longer over a man. How many "Maury" episodes have you seen where the man confesses to sleeping with his boys girl and they still stay friends and make up? Women are incapable of forgiving this type of betrayal. I understand, but I don't. Why do you think women perpetuate this double standard rule too, then get mad when men do it? All women say they would leave a man if and when he cheated, but we rarely stick to our words when it actually happens. Husband. Boyfriend, fiance, cheating is cheating and disrespect is disrespect, right? What does the title have to do with anything? If I take of the Crystal Geyser label and put a Evian label on it instead, it's still Crystal Geyser, right?

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